Saturday, April 17, 2010

Win a free session + images for yourself or a friend!

Do you know someone who deserves to win something for herself or her family? Maybe she's never had a family portrait taken and she wants to do it before her kids are no longer kids, maybe a loved one is ill and she's hoping to record the way life is now before things change, maybe she's always wanted custom portraits hanging on her walls but she's been unable to afford the luxury. Or maybe you're the one who would love a chance to win custom photography for your own family.

Becky Higgins (formerly of Creating Keepsakes magzine) had a great idea to find photographers willing to donate sessions to dozens of lucky families across the US and beyond, and I am very excited to be one of those photographers!

Become a fan of
Salina J Photography today so you'll be notified when the contest for the Minneapolis/St. Paul area is open. Becky isn't sure when each photographer's turn will be up, but I will announce it here and on my fan page as soon as I find out, so tell any friends who might be interested to become a fan, too! Once the contest is open, you enter by posting comments on Becky's blog about why you deserve a gift of photography, or you may nominate someone special.

This isn't limited to those in the Twin Cities, either - if you're outside of this great state, check out Becky's blog to see where photographers have volunteered their time and talent.

The winning family will receive a free session, 10 completely edited, full-resolution images on disc, and one 16x20 mounted print.

Good luck!

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