Sunday, May 24, 2009

A New Look Coming Soon!

You'll notice some changes coming soon - I am in the process of building a website, so the link will point to the new site (which will be easier to navigate than just the blog), and the blog address will remain

I'm excited to unveil the "official" look of Salina J Photography, but in the meantime you might just see a few small changes as I test out new colors and ideas.

The Princesses Aila and Milena

These beautiful (and beautifully-named) sisters have the most stunning eyes! They were great troupers as we walked around town up to their bedtime, giving me lots of pretty smiles and fun poses.

Here's a little glimpse into our session.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Images from Chicago

Last month I participated in a collaborative photography workshop in Chicago. What a great experience! It's not often I get to spend so much time just shooting or talking about photography with other photographers.

Here are just a few of the photos from that April weekend.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Note About Schedule - Minnesota Photographer

My summer schedule is filling up quickly, so if you're hoping to get a session in, please contact me soon!

I am only making appointments through August 31, 2009, please keep that in mind if you have senior photo yearbook deadlines that will come up in the fall or would like photos for holiday cards!